Interesentiem un speciālistiem, kas lasa angļu valodā, piedāvājam iepazīties ar "Cancer Research UK" un Stratklaidas universitātes 2002. gadā publicētu pētījumu par sēnēm, to iespējamajām terpeitiskajām īpašībām un izmantošanas potenciālu modernajā medicīnā, it īpaši vēža ārstēšanā.
(Angļu val. - PDF - 31 MB)
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The nature of fungi with special emphasis on mushrooms
Chapter 3: Medicinally important mushrooms
Chapter 4: Technology of mushroom cultivation
Chapter 5: Extraction, development and chemistry of anti-cancer compounds from medicinal mushrooms
Chapter 6: Immunomodulatory activities of mushroom glucans and polysaccharide-protein complexes in animals and humans
Chapter 7: The role of polysaccharides derived from medicinal mushrooms in cancer
Chapter 8: Additional medicinal properties
Chapter 9: Regulatory and safety criteria for functional foods and dietary supplements and pharmaceutical medicines: the role for medicinal mushrooms
Chapter 10: Conclusions
Appendix 1: Overview of the human immune system
Appendix 2: Standard antitumour activity test in Sarcoma 180/mice
Appenidx 3: Medicinal mushrooms and cancer chemoprevention